
Prof. Kyomin Jung

Kyomin Jung is a professor at Seoul National University Electrical and Computer Engineering department. He served as a vice-Chair of the ECE department for student affairs (2021-2023). He is an adjunct professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences SNU. He worked at KAIST Computer Science department from 2009 to 2013, where he had joint appointments at the department of Electrical Engineering, and the department of Mathematics. He received his Ph.D. at MIT in June 2009, and B.Sc. at Seoul National University in August 2003.

He was a visiting professor at MIT in summer 2013, and at Microsoft Research Cambridge at summer 2010, and summer 2009. During his Ph.D., he worked at Microsoft Research Cambridge (2008), IBM T.J. Watson Research (2007), and Bell Labs (2006) as summer research internships. He was a recipient of Samsung Lee Kun Hee Scholarship for graduate study, and he was a gold medalist at the IMO (International Mathematical Olympiad) 1995. He received the 2023 Sinyang Academic Award for Engineering from SNU College of Engineering, and the 2021 IEEE ICDM 10-Year Highest-Impact Paper Award from IEEE. He was a recipient of the excellent new faculty funding from NRF Korea since 2012.


Kangil Lee

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 303, Rm. 561-2

-Program Synthesis

-Inductive Reasoning

Nakyeong Yang

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314

-Trustworthy AI

-Knowledge Localization


Yunah Jang

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 303, Rm. 561-2

-Natural Language Processing

-Sentiment Analysis

Seongho Joo

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 303, Rm. 561-2

-Differential Privacy

-Unlearning for LLMs

Minbeom Kim

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314

-Controlled Text Generation

-Decoding-time Alignments

-LLM Inference

Yerin Hwang

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 303, Rm. 561-2

-Question Answering

Dongryeol Lee

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 303, Rm. 561-2

-Question Answering


Yoonhyung Chae

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314

-Natural Language Understanding

Hyukhun Koh

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314

-Natural Language Understanding

-Task-Oriented Dialogue

Jahyun Koo

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 303, Rm. 561-2

-Natural Language Understanding

Minsung Kim

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314

-Multimodal Learning

Kyungmin Min

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 303, Rm. 561-2

-Multimodal LLM

-Multi-agent System

Minha Jhang

Ph.D. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314

-Diffusion Model

-Text Generation

Kyeongman Park

M.S. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314

-Generation Task

Jiwon Moon

M.S. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314


-AI Safety

-Multimodal Learning

Junseok Kim

M.S. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314

-LLM based Multi Agent Collaboration

-Personalized LLM

Sangmook Lee

M.S. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314


Dohyung Kim

M.S. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314


-Diffusion Models

Chan Park
(On leave for startup)

M.S. Candidate

Bldg. 133, Rm. 314

-Unsupervised Learning

-Human-in-the-loop Learning



  • 김용일 Yongil Kim (Ph.D. Fall 2024) | current career: LG AI Research
  • 이윤형 Yoonhyung Lee (Ph.D. Fall 2024) | current career: Qualcomm Korea
  • 이민우 Minwoo Lee (Ph.D. Spring 2024) | current career: LG AI Research
  • 원승필 Seungpil Won (Ph.D. Spring 2023) | current career: LG AI Research
  • 유총재 Chongjae Yoo (M.S. Spring 2023) | current career: LG전자
  • 이환희 Hwanhee Lee (Ph.D. Fall 2022) | current career: Assistant Professor in Department of Artificial Intelligence at Chung-Ang University
  • 곽희영 Heeyoung Kwak (Ph.D. Fall 2022) | current career: NAVER AI Lab
  • 강태관 Taegwan Kang (Ph.D. Fall 2022) | current career: LG AI Research
  • 김세광 Segwang Kim (Ph.D. Fall 2022) | current career: Samsung Electronics Mobile eXperience Business
  • 윤현구 Hyeongu Yun (Ph.D. Fall 2022) | current career: LG AI Research
  • 최병진 Byungjin Choe (Ph.D. Spring 2022) | current career: Samsung Research
  • 배현경 Hyunkyung Bae (M.S. Spring 2022) | current career: LG AI Research
  • 황용근 Youngkeun Hwang (Ph.D. Spring 2022) | current career: 42dot
  • 김양훈 Yanghoon Kim (Ph.D. Fall 2021) | current career: 미래에셋 자산운용
  • 신중보 Joongbo Shin (Ph.D. Spring 2021) | current career: LG AI Research
  • 이동현 Donghyeon Lee (Ph.D. Spring 2021) | current career: Preparing for launching a startup company "Coope"
  • 김준영 Joonyoung Kim (Ph.D. Spring 2021) | current career: Samsung Research
  • 윤승현 Seunghyun Yoon (Ph.D. Fall 2020) | current career: Adobe Research, San Jose
  • 최준영 Joonyoung Choi (M.S. Spring 2020) | current career: NC SOFT
  • 변석현 Seokhyun Byun (M.S. Spring 2019) | current career: LinkedIn, Dublin
  • Pablo Estarda (M.S. Fall 2016) | current career: Google, Seattle
  • 김정명 Jungmyung Kim (M.S. Fall 2015) | current career: NAVER Clova AI Research
  • 임성수 Sungsu Lim | current career: Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chungnam University
  • 임용섭 Yongsub Lim | current career: Founder & Principal Data Scientist of MAKINA ROCKS (in Seoul, Korea, and Sunny Vale, CA, USA)
  • 임우상 Woosang Lim | current career: Senior Applied ML Scientist in Microsoft AI and Research
  • 김민환 Minhwan Kim (Spring 2013) | Current career: CTO & Co-founder at Unveiled Inc.
  • 강병곤 Byungkon Kang (Spring 2013) | Current career: Assistant Professor in Department of Computer Science at SUNY Korea
  • 허우람 Wooram Heo (Spring 2012) | Current career: NHN
  • 이슬기 Seulki Lee (Spring 2012) | Current career: LEGO BrickLink, Inc.
  • 곽남주 Nam-ju Kwak (Summer 2011) | Current career: 한국산업은행
  • 김보영 Boyoung Kim (Summer 2011) | Current career: 코오롱인베스트먼트

Administrative Staff

  • 김지혜 Office: Bldg. 301, Rm. 713-3, Email:, Tel: 02-880-1802