08/2024: 연구실 고혁훈 학생 석사 졸업 우수논문상 (IPAI Outstanding Dissertation Award) 수상.
08/2024: Our paper "MVMR: A New Framework for Evaluating Faithfulness of Video Moment Retrieval against Multiple Distractors" is accepted to CIKM 2024.
08/2024: Our paper "Mitigating Biases for Instruction-following Language Models via Bias Neurons Elimination" is accepted to ACL 2024.
06/2024: Our paper "LifeTox: Unveiling Implicit Toxicity in Life Advice" is accepted to NAACL 2024 as an Oral presentation.
06/2024: Our paper "Fine-grained Gender Control in Machine Translation with Large Language Models" is accepted to NAACL 2024.
06/2024: Our paper "IterCQR: Iterative Conversational Query Reformulation with Retrieval Guidance" is accepted to NAACL 2024.
12/2023: Our paper "LongStory: Coherent, Complete and Length Controlled Long story Generation" from our new member is accepted to PAKDD 2024 as an Oral presentation.
12/2023: Our paper "Boosting Speech Enhancement with Clean Self-Supervised Features via Conditional Variational Autoencoders" is accepted to ICASSP 2024.
12/2023: Our paper "DPP-TTS: Diversifying prosodic features of speech via determinantal point processes" is accepted to EMNLP 2023.
12/2023: Our paper "Weakly Supervised Semantic Parsing with Execution-based Spurious Program Filtering" is accepted to EMNLP 2023.
12/2023: Our paper "Target-Agnostic Gender-Aware Contrastive Learning for Mitigating Bias in Multilingual Machine Translation" is accepted to EMNLP 2023.
12/2023: Our paper "Dialogizer: Context-aware Conversational-QA Dataset Generation from Textual SourcesA" is accepted to EMNLP 2023.
12/2023: Our paper "Asking Clarification Questions to Handle Ambiguity in Open-Domain QA" is accepted to EMNLP 2023 Findings.
12/2023: Our paper "PR-MCS: Perturbation Robust Metric for MultiLingual Image Captioning" is accepted to EMNLP 2023 Findings.
10/2023: 정교민 교수님 공과대학 2023년도 신양공학학술상 수상
08/2023: Our paper "Leveraging Ensemble Techniques and Metadata for Subjective Knowledge-grounded Conversational Systems" is awarded as the Best paper in DSTC11 workshop.
05/2023: Our paper "BREAK: Breaking the Dialogue State Tracking Barrier with Beam Search and Re-ranking" is accepted to ACL 2023.
05/2023: Our paper "Critic-Guided Decoding for Controlled Text Generation" is accepted to ACL 2023 Findings.
05/2023: Our paper "Injecting Comparison Skills in Task-Oriented Dialogue Systems for Database Search Results Disambiguation" is accepted to ACL 2023 Findings.
04/2023: Seongho Joo, Kangil Lee, Kyungmin Min ranked first in the response accuracy category in DSTC11 challenge.
03/2023: 연구실 졸업생 이환희 박사 중앙대학교 AI학과 교수 임용.
01/2023: Our paper "Task-specific Compression for Multi-task Language Models using Attribution-based Pruning" is accepted to EACL 2023 Findings.
08/2022: 연구실 이환희 학생 박사 졸업 우수논문상 (Distinguished Ph.D Dissertation Award) 수상.
04/2022: Our paper "Masked Summarization to Generate Factually Inconsistent Summaries for Improved Factual Consistency Checking" is accepted to NAACL 2022 Findings.
04/2022: Our paper "Modality Alignment between Deep Representations for Effective Video-and-Language Learning" is accepted to LREC 2022.
02/2022: We ranked the first in publication performance among the BK21 computer module labs! (2020.02.01 - 2022.1.31).
01/2022: Three papers "VarianceFlow: High-quality and Controllable Text-to-Speech Using Variance Information via Normalizing Flow", "Deriving Explainable Discriminative Attributes using Confusion about Counterfactual Class" and "Subgraph Representation Learning With Hard Negative Samples for Inductive Link Prediction" are accepted to ICASSP 2022.
08/2021: Our paper "QACE: Asking Questions to Evaluate an Image Caption" is accepted to EMNLP 2021 Findings.
08/2021: Two papers "CrossAug: A Contrastive Data Augmentation Method for Debiasing Fact Verification Models" and "RABERT: Relation-Aware BERT for Target-Oriented Opinion Words Extraction" are accepted to CIKM 2021.
06/2021: Our paper "모달리티 정렬을 통한 비디오 질의 응답 시스템 개선" is awarded as the Best Paper (최우수논문상) in KCC 2021.
05/2021: Our paper "Interpretable Disease Prediction Using Heterogeneous Patient Records with Self-Attentive Fusion Encoder" is accepted to Journal of American Medical Informatics Association.
05/2021: Our paper "UMIC: An Unreferenced Metric for Image Captioning via Contrastive Learning" is accepted to ACL 2021.
04/2021: Our paper "Entangled Bidirectional Encoder to Autoregressive Decoder for Sequential Recommendation" is accepted to SIGIR 2021.
03/2021: Our paper "KPQA: A Metric for Generative Question Answering Using Keyphrase Weights" is accepted to NAACL 2021.
01/2021: Our paper "Bidirectional Variational Inference for Non-Autoregressive Text-to-Speech" is accepted to ICLR 2021.
12/2020: Our paper "Neural Sequence-to-grid Module for Learning Symbolic Rules" is accepted to AAAI 2021.
08/2020: 연구실 윤승현 학생 박사 졸업 우수논문상 (Distinguished Ph.D Dissertation Award) 수상.
07/2020: Our paper "Multimodal Speech Emotion Recognition using Cross Attention with Aligned Audio and Text" is accepted to Interspeech 2020.
05/2020: Our paper "Comparative Studies on Machine Learning for Paralinguistic Signal Compression and Classification" is accepted for publication in the Journal of Supercomputing. (SCI, IF=2.157).
04/2020: Our paper "Fast and Accurate Deep Bidirectional Language Representations for Unsupervised Learning" is accepted to ACL 2020.
02/2020: Our paper "맥락 정보 유사도를 활용한 이미지 피처 해싱" is selected as the 우수발표논문상 in KSC 2019.
02/2020: Our paper "Propagate-Selector: Detecting Supporting Sentences for Question Answering via Graph Neural Networks" is accepted to LREC 2020.
01/2020: Our papers "Drug-disease Graph: Predicting Adverse Drug Reaction Signals via Graph Neural Network with Clinical Data" and "Reliable Aggregation Method for Vector Regression Tasks in Crowdsourcing" are accepted to PAKDD 2020.
01/2020: Our paper "Attentive Modality Hopping Mechanism for Speech Emotion Recognition" is accepted to ICASSP 2020 as oral presentation.
11/2019: Our patent "인공 지능 기반의 대화 시스템 및 그 응답 제어 방법, No 10-2059015" is registered on 2019. 12., Korea.
11/2019: Our paper "Improving Context-Aware Neural Machine Translation Using Self-Attentive Sentence Embedding" is accepted to AAAI 2020.
11/2019: Our paper "Efficient spread-size approximation of opinion spreading in general social networks" is accepted to Physical Review E.
09/2019: Our paper "Effective Sentence Scoring Method Using BERT for Speech Recognition" is accepted to ACML 2019.
09/2019: Our paper "A Compare-Aggregate Model with Latent Clustering for Answer Selection" is accepted to CIKM 2019 as oral presentation.
02/2019: Our papers "문장 레벨 그래프 회선 신경망을 통한 텍스트 분류" and "이미지 물체 위치탐색을 위한 효율적인 크라우드소싱 시스템" are selected as the 우수발표논문상 in KSC 2018.
02/2019: Our paper "Speech Emotion Recognition Using Multi-Hop Attention Mechanism" is accepted ICASSP 2019 as oral presentation.
11/2018: Our paper "Neural networks for compressing and classifying speaker-independent paralinguistic signals" is accepted to IEEE BigComp 2019.
11/2018: Thanks to past collaborative research activities with Adobe, our lab has been selected for Adobe Research Software Donation Program.
11/2018: Three papers "Improving Neural Question Generation using Answer Separation", "Detecting Incongruity Between News Headline and Body Text via a Deep Hierarchical Encoder" (with KAIST Data Science lab), "Number Sequence Prediction Problems and Computational Powers of Neural Network Models", are accetped at AAAI 2019!
07/2018: Our paper "Mobile App Recommendation with Sequential App Usage Behavior Tracking" is accepted to Journal of Internet Technology.
02/2018: Our paper "Learning to Rank Question-Answer Pairs using Hierarchical Recurrent Encoder with Latent Topic Clustering" is accepted to NAACL 2018.
12/2017: Our paper "Multi-scale Nystrom Method" is accepted to AISTATS 2018 as oral presentation.
12/2017: Our research group took 5th place in AI R&D Fake News Challenge.
11/2017: Our paper "Contextual-CNN: A Novel Architecture Capturing Unified Meaning for Sentence Classification" is accetped to IEEE BigComp 2018.
09/2017: Our paper "Synonym Discovery with Etymology-based Word Embeddings" is accepted to IEEE SSCI 2017.
05/2017: Our paper "Hierarchical Ordering with Partial Pairwise Hierarchical Relationships on the Marcaque Brain Data Sets" is accepted to PLOS ONE.
06/2017: Prof. Jung had an interview with KBS about rumor detection for AI.
06/2017: Prof. Jung gave interviews to tbs and ebs about our research on rumor detectionin social media.
11/2016: Our paper "Rumor Detection over Varying Time Windows" is accepted to PLOS ONE.
07/2016: Our paper "Knowledge extraction through etymological networks: Synonym discovery in sino-korean words" is selected as the best paper of the information technology session in ICIKM 2016.
06/2016: Our paper "Knowledge extraction through etymological networks: Synonym discovery in sino-korean words" is accepted to ICIKM 2016.
05/2016: Our paper "Phase transitions for information diffeusion in random clustered networks" is accepted to European Physical Jounral B.
05/2016: 서울대학교 공학연구원 한우물로 홈런치기 과제 선정(Learning 기반 한국어 자연어 처리 시스템 및 영-한 기계번역 시스템 개발)
04/2016: Our paper "Automatic Question Answering System for Consumer Products" is accepted to IntelliSys 2016.
03/2016: 정교민 교수님 부교수 승진
02/2016: Prof. Jung gave a talk "Deep learning for Natural Language Processing" at Facebook, Menlo Park, CA, USA.
12/2015: 정교민 교수님 자연과학대학 수리과학부 겸무교수로 위촉
12/2015: Our paper "Centrality Fairness: Measuring and Analyzing Structual Inequality of Online Social Network" is accepted to JIT.
08/2015: 연구실 김정명 학생 석사 졸업 우수논문상 (Distinguished Dissertation Award) 수상.
05/2015: Prof. Jung gave a Tutorial Talk "Deep Learning for the Web" at the WWW 2015.
05/2015: Our paper "Minimizing Expected Losses in Perturbation Models with Multidimensional Parametric Min-cuts" is accepted to UAI 2015 as a plenary presentation.
05/2015: Our paper "Double Nystrom Method: An Efficient and Accurate Nystrom Scheme for Large-Scale Data Sets" is accepted to ICML 2015.
03/2015: Our paper "Reliable Multiple-choice Iterative Algorithm for Crowdsourcing Systems" is accepted to SIGMETRICS 2015.
01/2014: 트위터 등 SNS에서의 루머를 90% 정도의 정확도로 가려내는 시스템 개발 - KBS1 뉴스라인 대담, 아리랑 TV, tbs eFM 출연