Internship Application

We enthusiastically welcome researchers who take initiative and show strong willingness. To apply for our internship programs, you can choose either way: (1) pick one of our internship topics and email to the contact in the chosen topic announcement; (2) simply show your own interest to us (, no matter all of our topics below are closed. In your application email, we expect your transcript, future plan to apply for our lab, purpose of your internship(ex further education, study abroad), expected period of internship, and the topics you are interested in. We prefer to pick an applicant who fits into our current projects or past publications, but it is not mandatory.

Experiencing our internship programs is NOT MANDATORY for joining our lab. However if you are interested in joining our lab we encourage you to apply for our internship at least 6 months before your admission.

Internship Contact


Ensuring Privacy in Large Language Models: Designing NLP Algorithms with Differential Privacy Guarantees (Recruiting)


As interest in Large Language Models keeps growing, concerns about privacy leakage also keep increasing. As differential privacy becomes the gold standard for privacy guarantees, we aim to design various NLP algorithms with differential privacy (DP) guarantees while producing high-quality texts. Furthermore, we aim to verify that LLMs equipped with DP guarantees are robust against various privacy threat models.

Related Papers

Candidate Qualifications

  • Familiar with recent LLMs
  • Familiar with deep learning tools (PyTorch, Transformers)
  • Fundamental probability theory and linear algebra knowledge

Expected Internship Period

  • Minimum three months- excluding period for preliminary study


  • seonghojoo (

Deep Learning for Natural Language Processing (Recruiting)


Deep learning methods have been applied for solving a wide range of natural language processing (NLP) tasks such as dialog, summarization, and question answering. You can suggest any NLP tasks you want to attack. The recent publications of our lab would help to choose the task.

Candidate Qualifications

  • Strong attitude for the investigation
  • Basic python skills (required)
  • Understanding of recent algorithms in NLP literature. e.g., BERT.
  • Experience in implementing algorithms using PyTorch or Tensorflow

Expected Internship Period

  • Minimum three months - excluding period for the preliminary study (Pytorch, base ML, NLP basics)

